該產品采用優質果殼為原料精制而成,主要用于苯、醚、乙醇、丙酮、汽油、三氯甲烷 四氯化碳等有機溶劑的回收,也可裝填各種工業防毒面具或煙草行業對尼古丁、焦油吸附。
指標名稱 | 技術指標 |
粒度 | 20-40 |
碘吸附值mg/g | ≥950 |
灼燒殘渣 | ≤ 5 |
裝填密度g/L | 400-450 |
干燥減量﹪ | ≤ 10 |
氯化物﹪ | 不檢測 |
PH值 | 5-7 |
灰份﹪ | ≤ 4 |
GWB 20×40 Activated Carbon for Solvent Recovery
It’s refined using highest-quality nut sells as raw materials, mainly used for solvent recovery of organic solvents such as Benzene, ether, ethanol, gasoline, acetone, chloroform and carbon tetrachloride, etc. Similarly, it also has a good effect on adsorption of nicotine and tar in tobacco industry through filling into varieties of gas masks.